Predicting Presidential Elections & Debunking American History

“Predicting the Next President” is the cover image of Dr. Lichtman’s upcoming book. This image was provided to us by Dr. Lichtman. Click for podcast.

In this episode, I interview a scholar who has correctly predicted the outcome of every U.S. presidential election since 1984!

My guest essentially disagrees with most political pundits when it comes to the history of America’s conservatives. And as far as history goes, he debunks the history of Jewish Americans in a major way.

The News: Former President Trump is scheduled to debate President Biden. So we talk about my guest’s success streak in predicting U.S. presidential elections.

And as the war in Gaza continues, my guest tells the history (debunks it actually) of how one important 20th century American president treated European Jews.

Finally, conservatives have rallied behind Trump. But is Trump a conservative? And who are conservatives anyway?

Questions I Ask My Guest:
►Did my guest correctly predict the 2000 election?
►Why is the definition of conservatism so ellusive, so much so that my guest claims all the literature about America’s conservatism is wrong?
►Is America’s conservatism tied to race and/or religion?
►Did America’s conservative movement start in the 1920s or 1960s? Why would that even matter?
►In the history of conservatism, is there a before and after Reagan?
►Why do current Jewish leaders criticize FDR for…



Adel Aali - History Behind News Podcast

Weekly podcast conversations with prominent professors, prize-winning authors, and presidential advisors about the history behind our current news.