Why do we celebrate Christmas on December 25?

When did Americans start celebrating Christmas?

Was Jesus born on December 25? Would George Washington recognize our Christmas? How about Andrew Jackson? Abraham Lincoln? Or Teddy Roosevelt?

The News:

December 25 is here again. It’s Christmas. It’s when we celebrate Jesus’s Birthday.

History Behind News:

Did you know, that in the Antebellum South, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day were like our New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day now? There were fireworks and much partying. In fact, in America, Christmas did not become this family-centered event, as it is now, until after WWII — which was not a long time ago at all.

How America began to celebrate Christmas and celebrate as it does now, is a multicultural story written by many immigrant groups — from the Pilgrims of the 1620s to the Protestants of the 1960s. And then… there is the story behind December 25th. Why the 25th? Why December? Why not March or April? In fact, the latter two make more historical sense.

About This Episode:

In addition to the above question, in this episode, I ask my guest, Dr. Carey Roberts, the following questions:



Adel Aali - History Behind News Podcast

Weekly podcast conversations with prominent professors, prize-winning authors, and presidential advisors about the history behind our current news.